Saturday, February 28, 2009

Field Trip Fun

On Wednesday Erik had a field trip to Old Tucson Studios (an old west style town that was once used as a movie set). The last time we went there Erik was four weeks old. It's funny how that doesn't seem very long ago when I think about when we were there last...but then looking at Erik now at 4 1/2 compared to 4 weeks old!! Wow, that's been his whole life!

We all got to go on the field trip (me, Alex, Erik, and Adam), and Erik's favorite part was the big train!

He got to go inside the train and try out all the controls, knobs, and levers, and look out the windows.

Erik liked to look at the "green" lake and waterfall.

Here's Erik and Daddy messing around.

The stage coach was another big hit...definitely one of Adam's favorites! Adam did not however like to get too close to the real horses. They were very big and I guess scary to him.

But Adam, (and of course Erik too), loved the little pretend horse.

We all had lots of fun in the hot sun...and it's only February...summer's coming...noooo!

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