Saturday, April 3, 2010


2010-02-18 002 (2)

Both Erik and Adam are very good at pouting. I managed to get pictures of both of them with their pouty faces. Erik did start smiling a little because I took his picture…it was more pouty a few seconds before this.

Adam does a pouty face too many times each day to count. He will do it just to get me to make a frowny face at him…and then I smile, and then he usually smiles too. Then he repeats this whole process several times. It’s cute, except that he does it so often, so it gets rather old. He pouts about everything that doesn’t go his way, and about nothing at all.

2010-03-26 039

He especially likes to pout while eating…even when he asked for the item that is currently in front of him. Sometimes he also looks up while employing the pouty look. Some sort of attempt at puppy dog eyes perhaps. But it looks more like his eyes are rolling back in his head. Silly boy!

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