Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting ready for Halloween!

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The last few days we have been getting ready for Halloween. Last night we went to go pick out pumpkins. Adam was sooo happy to find a cute little pumpkin just like he wanted. 

Or I should say a “cool” pumpkin. Adam describes everything as cool, and he insists that everyone else do the same (although we certainly don’t always comply). He gets upset when I say things are pretty…and corrects me with, “No!, It’s cool!”

Anyways, he is so happy about his pumpkin and he keeps talking about it throughout the day. It is really adorable.

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Tyler loves his little pumpkin too. He carries it around a lot, and he likes to line up all the pumpkins in a row. (He likes to line up lots of things in rows…blocks, cars, etc. Must be a two-year-old thing. I distinctly remember pictures of me at two lining up my Dad’s chess pieces.)

Erik and Alex both got nice big pumpkins – you will see them farther down the page…

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Today I finished making felt super-hero masks. We have paper ones I made months ago, but I decided to make felt ones for Halloween – so they would be stronger.

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Adam is talking on his “super-hero phone,” and I guess Tyler has his “super baby doll!”

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Here’s Tyler’s upset face. He didn’t want me to take another picture…and Adam still on the “phone”…gotta wonder who he’s talking too? Important super-hero business no doubt.

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Alex drew a cool spooky face on his pumpkin. Adam was scared of it at first, but he seems to have gotten over it.

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Pumpkins on the TV (and the total extent of my Halloween decorating).

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And more pictures after Erik got home from school.

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Today I also made a big red felt “A” and ironed it onto a shirt for Adam’s costume. “A” for Super Adam of course – in case you were wondering :)

Busy day, but now I feel much better that we are almost ready for Halloween.

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