Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Adam’s Birthday Pictures

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Here are some pictures from Adam’s birthday last week.

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He had fun opening presents!

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Ripping paper is great :)

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Adam’s “looking” through the periscope on rocket, and saying “scope…scope”. So cute!

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Adam wanted to eat the cake really badly. He wouldn’t blow out the candles…he just wanted to grab the whole cake! So we had Erik blow them out quick, and we hurried up and got Adam a piece of cake! Then he was happy!

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On Adam’s birthday we also set up the little pool outside.  At first he didn’t want to get in, but pretty soon he got used to it and didn’t want to get out. We ended up getting out the pool two more times since then! Pretty much if we are outside very long we want to be wet because…it’s too HOT!

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It seemed like Adam’s birthday went on all week…every couple days he got another present in the mail from grandparents! Both the kids had lots of fun with the new toys!

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Here’s Thomas the train…Adam says “Thomas, cho…cho.” He likes to dance to the music that the train plays.

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and Erik being silly upside down…


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And the car garage. Adam’s favorite is the green car he’s holding in the picture. He carried that car around with him all the time for at least three days after he got it!

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And finally, the boys being cute “sleeping” on the couch together. (oh, and there’s the green car again :)

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1 comment:

martha said...

Looks like a fun party!