Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alex’s Birthday!

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Alex’s birthday was yesterday! Erik decorated the cake with lots and lots of sprinkles, and he put most of the candles on himself too. He gets so excited to help plan and get ready for birthdays!

We used some of the trick candles on the cake (you may remember those from my birthday)…Alex blew them all out! It took a little while, but he didn’t have to resort to water as I did on my birthday :)

We were going to go out to eat for dinner, but Erik was feeling a little sick and whinny…so Alex decided to grill steak instead. It turned out really well, and we had corn on the cob and thick seasoned fries too. We ate outside while the kids went on the swings. It was really nice and relaxing!


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Adam is such a messy eater! This is him while eating a nutella sandwich. If you can believe it, a minute later he was even messier…he got chocolate on his forehead too.  It makes for some funny pictures, but boy cleaning him up every time he eats takes forever sometimes!

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Nutella sandwich? Lucky boy!