Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2009-11-01 005

This was the first time I put these overalls on Tyler…and they were too small already. They look okay in the picture when his legs are bent, but when he straightened out his legs they turned into capris big time! My child is growing too fast :)

2009-11-01 007

Alex propped Tyler up like this, and he fell asleep.

2009-11-02 003

Alex got Adam a new outfit and new pajamas when he went to Costco last week. Most of Adam's clothes are hand me downs from Erik, so it was fun to get new clothes. Both the items have dinosaurs on them…Adam says he is wearing his “dinosaur outfit…roarrrrr!”

2009-11-02 004

2009-11-02 006

2009-11-02 010

Stegosaurus pajamas…or as Adam says “tegosaurus”.

1 comment:

martha said...

So cute. You are lucky to have such a thoughtful husband. I don't think it would ever cross Dan's mind to buy the girls some clothes. Heck, he keeps putting Annabelle's pjs from last Christmas on her even though it is basically a belly shirt.