Wednesday, April 25, 2012


2012-04-16 061

We can no longer all fit in our cute green Jetta :(

We were saved from this unfortunate dilemma by Alex’s parents. They traded cars with us, so now we have their van and they have our Jetta. This is such a blessing to us since there is no way we could have bought another car at this time.  This was one of those situations where several months ago I could not see any possible solution to the problem…but yet here we are with a solution! Thank you so much John and Linda!

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Alex and the boys washed the Jetta before saying good-bye to it. Here are the boys being silly after washing the car ;)

2012-04-16 058

2012-04-16 059

I took tons of pictures of the car…I have loved this car for the past 9 years, and it was really hard to see it go. I’m sure most people think green is a strange color for a car, but I think it’s the best color ever :) I’ve always called this particular hue “tree frog green”… and I love the cute little shape of the ‘99 Jetta.

Bye, bye to our “tree frog green” Jetta.

2012-04-16 052

That’s our “new” minivan in the background.

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