Monday, March 23, 2009

Baby Pictures

So I don't think I have ever mentioned that I'm pregnant on the if you didn't already know...
Well now you do. My due date was July 27th or 28th (depending on which nurse or dr. I was talking to; they can never seem to get their story straight), but as of the ultrasound it's now supposedly Aug. 4th (what my dr. "thought she remembered" the ultrasound report said) or Aug. 6th (which is Erik's birthday, and what the ultrasound tech said last Monday.) So pretty much pick any day at the end of July or beginning of Aug. and it could be my due date!

Ah yes, and a week ago Monday we found out the baby is a does always seem to be a boy now doesn't it. What is up with that anyway???

In other news, last Tuesday Alex cut two of his fingers while using some power tool for woodworking. He spent 7 hours in the E.R. and finally was able to come home at 10:30pm that night after getting stitched up and all. At first they thought a tendon in his finger was cut, but the finger specialist guy (aka orthopedic surgeon) that he saw on Wed. said "no, the tendon is fine" that was good at least. So that's why it has taken me a week to post the ultrasound's been a bit of a crazy week!

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