Monday, December 20, 2010

Laundry cart = vehicle?

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Three weeks ago Tyler had croup, and was in the hospital for a day and a half. Not fun at all for baby or parents, but Tyler did have a good time getting into every bit of mischief he could find in that room ;)

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Did you know a laundry cart makes a pretty fun vehicle if you’re one? He pushed it all over the room.

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Hanging out on a chair.

See the bright red electrical outlets in the picture below. They were “conveniently” located all around the room. And bright red…just perfect for catching a babies’ attention…lovely.

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Sucking on a toothpaste tube and checking out the crib he wouldn’t sleep in…that was a looong night!

He is such a good sleeper at home, but he does not know how to sleep when I am in the room with him. He freaked out when I tried to lay him down next to me on the fold out couch. He would wiggle away from me, run across the room, and then stand there screaming at me. This scene repeated many times. Finally I put him in the crib for 5 minutes and hid in the corner of the room where he couldn’t see me. He screamed of course, but when I picked him up again after that he did better and actually laid down next to me. He slept for maybe an hour and then was up for another hour or two. Eventually he fell asleep again and got about 6 hours of sleep. Too bad I didn’t sleep nearly that long. The fold out couch was very nice and big (for a couch), but still I couldn’t sleep very well on it. Plus it doesn’t help that my mind always knows some random person could walk into our room at any moment…just not conducive to a good sleep environment.

I was grateful though, that our biggest problems that night were just lack of sleep and getting into mischief…not actual problems because Tyler was sick. He was doing much better at that point and acting pretty normal, aside from his noisy breathing.

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And, of course, more playing with the laundry cart…over here…

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and now over there…

and climbing up to the sink to get a toothbrush.

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