Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I (Alex) took Erik and Adam fishing the morning after the puking incident.  I got maybe 3 hours of sleep, but surprisingly holding a fishing pole can keep me awake.  The boys had more or less fun, not sure really.  Erik still has not officially caught a fish.  Hopefully I can remedy that this year if all goes well.

2011-04-22 006

Rose Canyon Lake.  Home to trout, crawdads, and a couple of really annoying ducks.

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2011-04-22 020

Erik is getting pretty good at casting.  He can get it out about 20 feet or so.  In a few more years I will get him a better casting reel.

2011-04-22 021

Cute little snot faced rug rat isn’t he?

2011-04-22 023

I caught 2 fish within about 30 minutes at the lake.  After that I got no more bites.  I only kept one though.  The second fish I let Erik try and reel in.  Alas, he didn’t know to keep tension on the line and the trout wriggled off.

2011-04-22 026

2011-04-22 032

Adam attempted to fish but he really doesn’t have the patience yet to watch a bobber on the water.

When we got home I cleaned the fish and we ate it the next night.  Erik and Tyler loved it, but as expected, Mr. Picky Adam Fosse refused to enjoy it.  And this after having been super excited to eat the fish since before we went camping.

Note:  There were no skunks sighted while at the lake or campground.  This in comparison to last September at the lake with the scouts.


fortytwodays said...

annoying ducks, eh? were they...dorky?

Dawn said...

yes very dorky. They would fly in and skid across the water right where I'm trying to cast. Nearly pegged one with a spinner.