Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our little Ballerina


Adam often stands on his tippy-toes and dances around while watching TV.


Sometimes he just stands there and tiptoes around a little…usually going backwards…


But sometimes he gets quite exuberant and dances all around. Especially when the teamwork song on Wonder Pets comes on. He jumps up, yells team-work, and points one arm up in the air! (All while on his toes of course :)

Here is a sequence of pictures so you can experience the flow of his “dance”…hehe :p





100_0400 Adam was doing this while we had family over last week. A discussion ensued as to what a male ballet dancer is called. We found two possibilities… danseur (French) or ballerino (Italian) - according to wikipedia – I know, highly renowned sources we have here.

So here’s to our little ballerino!

P.S. My Dad walks around on his tiptoes a lot - so maybe it is genetic...

and thanks to Grandpa John who took these pictures, for capturing this funny occurrence for us!

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